There is no universal or definitive answer for when a critical lift plan is required, but they are used as a precautionary step to protect load, people, and surrounding property.

Not all lifts are created equal, and for those lifts, we have critical lift plans. Why online lift planning It is easily accessible from any location. 3DLiftPlan encompasses all functionality currently available in Compu-Crane and is built using the latest technologies for security and accessibility. If you know that then you can try to get that drawn with AutoCAD (or another CAD software). You really dont need to get that fancy, and would only need to put that effort in only if you are doing many lift plans. AutoCAD is not specific to any branche, so as you are looking for 'how to draw lift plans' then first look to which contents such a plan should have, then which (local/government) regulations exist. We use structural software to analyze the structure. Using the award winning AutoCAD based Lift Planner software we can generate a 3D drawing of the lift environment. This critical lift plan template is free to use and makes the job of completing and approving critical lifts faster, easier and more safe. 3D Lift Plan’s step-by-step design allows you to create detailed, accurate lift plans in minutes. We dont use any specific lift plan software, we draft our own blocks of equipment and use those for clash, crane arrangement drawings in autoCAD. It might be a simple verbal agreement between the crane operator and a rigger/signalperson is all it takes, or it might need a full blown package with drawings, calcs, method statement, ground bearing tests etc etc.